I’ve probably written this blog post in my mind at least 5
times by now. It is by far the toughest thing I have had to write. You know
those disheartening stories that you hear about other people? You never expect
these rare and devastating events to happen in your life. Let me start from the
We had been living in Florida one month, and I was 35 weeks
pregnant when I woke up one morning feeling very poorly. I threw up a couple of
times and started to have some cramping. I laid down and felt a bit better. For
weeks I had been having Braxton hicks contractions, but they felt similar to
the ones I had when pregnant with Samantha. I thought that these cramps were
more of the same. As the day progressed the cramps turned worse and they were
settling in my upper abdomen, which I thought was unusual. Peyton came home early
from work, we dropped off Samantha at our new friends’ house, and we headed to
the labor and delivery area of the hospital. They immediately hooked me up to a
fetal monitor to track the baby’s heart rate and check on the contractions.
They were a bit bewildered from the beginning because of where my pain was
located. I was having contractions but they weren’t regular. They decided to
relieve me from my unbearable pain by giving me my epidural. Then things got
really bad, really fast.
After getting my epidural I had relief for 10 minutes before
the pain returned. They decided to give me more of the epidural to rise the
numbing up my abdomen, but it didn’t work. I started throwing up. Peyton was a
great support and held my bucket, but as he wiped my mouth he saw blood.
He hurriedly walked into the hall and called for the nurse
who came in and verified that it was blood. After that about 10 doctors and
specialists came into the room and they all agreed that it was time to get the
baby out as quick as possible via C-section and this would provide them the
ability to see what was happening in my abdomen.
I remember them immediately wheeling me into the Operating
Room and it felt like all the doctors and surgeons from the whole hospital had
joined us. I kept asking everyone through tears who they were and what they
were thinking was wrong. Everyone cheered me on and gave me assurance. I
remember them pulling Preston out and my doctor exclaiming, “Here’s your baby,
Catherine! Here he is!” They took Preston and put him on the exam table next to
me. He wasn’t making a sound for what seemed like an eternity, but Peyton told
me later it was only a few minutes. After
they got him stabilized they told Peyton to follow the baby to the NICU. They
told him that they would need to do a surgery on me and that I would be put
under. Before they wheeled Preston out I got to put my hand into the incubator
and pat his stomach and hold his hand for a few seconds reminding him to be
strong and that I would always love him. This was one event that I can remember
with perfect recollection. After that my world went black.
This is all very hard to recollect for you, as my emotions
following the next few days were all over the place. There are about 4 days
where I do not remember anything. Peyton kept a journal to help me piece it
When they put me under after the C-section and investigated
further they discovered that almost my entire small intestines was tangled up
and had lost blood supply. Because of this, my intestine was dying. The first
surgery I had immediately after delivery was to untangle the intestines to see
if it would regain blood supply and return to normal. It took them over 4 hours
to untangle my intestines, working hard to be delicate with them in order to
not make further damage. After they did this surgery they knew they had to go
in the very next day to see if untangling the intestines was successful. After the
first surgery was Peytons best and worst night of his life thus far. His son
had just joined the world and his wife was going to possibly leave it. The
surgeon discussed with Peyton the severity of my situation. At this time he
told my Mom to come right away and called the Bishop of our church to have them
administer a blessing to me in the ICU (Intensive care unit).
The next day when they re-opened me they learned that
previous surgery was not successful. They started to remove and resect the
pieces that were no longer salvageable. This was difficult because some of my
intestine was necrotic in places and healthy in other parts. The only way to do
this successfully was to get rid of a good portion of it and then reconnect it.
(Here is my small intestine.)
For a few days I was intubated and sedated. Preston was
still in the NICU and Peyton would spend all day going back and forth visiting
his fragile son and wife. I cannot imagine what Peyton was going through
emotionally as all of this was happening. Both our families do not live by us,
but our new Florida family jumped into action, arranged care for Samantha and
had people deliver dinner to the hospital for my mom and Peyton. I will always
be appreciative and grateful for our new friends who became our family to help
us in our time of need.
They performed various x-rays and endoscopies in my time in
the ICU. One day I started to have bad fevers and they decided to do a 3rd
surgery to go in and see if I had an infection from the removal. They were
relieved to discover that the intestines were okay and they further flushed out
my abdomen to make sure it was clean and healthy.
After the 3rd surgery, I started to awaken from
days of anesthesia and coming out of the fog of pain medication. What that
brought was paranoia, anger and confusion. Peyton’s favorite “ICU moment” was
when I exclaimed, “We’ve been duped! This is a magic show that we are in!” I
“remember” seeing certain things that were not happening and hearing things
that were senseless and outrageous. I also was very confused at what had
happened to me.
My days in the ICU were the darkest days I have ever
experienced. I was coming in and out of heavy pain medication, which made me
sleepy and jumbled. I remember I would cry when Peyton would have to go home
for the night because the nights are the times when I would hear imaginary
people talking. I was left to my own contemplations. At one point Peyton said I
asked them to sedate me so that I would not have to experience another
emotional and hysterical night.
Every day Peyton would explain the situation and what had happened
to me. He would describe my new anatomy and what the future could mean for me.
He would try and use easy words for me to understand due to my foggy brain.
Then I would fall asleep to take a nap and I would forget everything that he
had told me. He learned to wait a few days to tell me details and to only tell
me the pieces that I would need to know at the time.
After 6 days in the hospital I finally felt well enough to
go meet my son, Preston. I will never forget this moment. I was apprehensive
and nervous to go see him. I had a lot of equipment that I was still hooked up
to and my physical comfort level was tolerable but not great. The moment that I
was wheeled into his room in the NICU my whole heart burst and I forgot all of
my pains for the hour that he was in my arms. He was perfect, and so much
tinier than the pictures of him that Peyton had shown me! (5 lbs. 12 ounces).
Every day I was able to go up to the NICU and visit him for around an hour. These
were my most precious memories in the hospital.
The days passed and I ended up progressing. I was able to
drink chicken broth and sugar free crystal light. After 2 weeks of being in the
hospital I was able to eat applesauce and yogurt, which was a huge improvement.
I had a feeding tube (into my stomach) that gave me my additional nutrients,
also. Some days in the hospital were better than others, but after a week in
the ICU, I was transferred to the Progressive Care Unit where I spent a month
before being able to go home. I lived for the hours where I would be able to see
Preston and Samantha.
The day that Preston was able to go home from the hospital
was a day filled of mixed emotions. I was so excited that he was healthy and
able to go home and be with our family, but I had a hard time not being able to
be there for his first days in our home.
Two weeks later, I was given the clearance to go home.
Peyton’s parents flew in to help with Preston, which was super helpful. It was
so nice to come home and be with my children full time again. I had missed
being with them. I never knew how much I loved being a Mom, until I wasn’t able
to do it.
My diagnosis is short bowel syndrome, which is defined as
the removal of more than 50% of small intestine. The main function of your
small intestine is to absorb the nutrients from the food that you eat. I am
still trying to understand what this means for me long-term and my ability to
get the nutrients that my body needs.
I have chosen to write about this in my blog for a few
reasons. After I came home from the
hospital I wanted to learn more about my diagnosis and to connect and learn
from people who had similar stories. This condition is pretty rare and every
time I turned to the Internet to find comfort or knowledge I came up ended
handed. I want to be the support and resource for someone who is dealing with
this frustrating and difficult condition that I didn’t have. If I can tell my
story and give consolation to one person who is struggling, it will all be
worth it. I have posted a few things on Facebook and there has been such an
outpouring of love from family and friends. In the early days of my
hospitalization acquaintances, friends, families and even strangers were
praying for me. I had never felt so physically defeated but stronger because of
the faith of so many people. I truly will never be able to provide my gratitude
sufficiently. I am incredibly grateful for so many people who have cheered me
on during this difficult journey.
So what now? How is my health since this happened 4 months
ago… I plan to do a few other posts updating you on my status. I will tell you
this. I am struggling but I am strong. My family has been a great support to me
in my depression and meltdowns. I feel fortunate to have such a loving, sympathetic
and devoted husband who has been there every step of the way. Every day has
gotten a bit better, and I can feel the effects of so many blessings. I can do
hard things, and I know that I have many people who will be there rooting for
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