Tis the season! We shipped over our Christmas decorations from home, but they probably will not get here until right before Christmas, so we wanted to get a few things for our house in the meantime. I have been feeling sad about not feeling the Christmas Spirit and so this was becoming very important to me. Although, China celebrates more of Christmas than I originally thought. This was a pleasant surprise! Of course, they celebrate Santa and not Jesus. Heres a few snapshots around town.
We heard about a market by Yu Gardens that sells Christmas decorations for fairly cheap so we went on a Saturday to see what we could find. I am glad Peyton went with me because he forced me to go to ALL the stores to see what prices and selections were so we could compare. I tend to be an impulse buyer, and so I am glad that I have a shopping buddy that balances that out.
This place was crazy! The stores literally looked as if Santa threw up on them. The Chinese really love their sparkle and glitz so a lot of the decorations had lots of glitter and sparkles. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be Santas workshop, or a 9 year old girls.
You never know what you'll find at these places!
Of course, the LAST shop we went into was a goldmine. The lady gave us very reasonable prices and even customized a few pieces for us by adding some bows and including a tree stand. And she spoke some English!!! It was a Christmas miracle!
We ended up getting a small fake tree for about 35 yuan. (That's less than $6 in American money). Best money I have ever spent in my life. We also got some ornaments and a small wreath as well as some garland and a few decorative presents. The whole thing cost us about $30 US. Not too shabby. It has definitely helped us feel more in the holiday spirit.
We saw these little gems that made us laugh. I love that about China. Bless their heart, they sure do try.
As we were leaving the store with our purchases Peyton said to the guy, "Okay thank you. Merry Christmas." The mans reply was just a super simple scream..."CHRISTMAS!"
Merry X-Max to you as well.
hehehe it's so fun to read these posts! It reminds me of how when I see white people or non asians or ABCs with tattoos that say fire or love or, if they're really unlucky, absolutely nothing - just a fake character how funny that is to us. In the same way, Chinese people love mutilating Engrish words and putting it onto shirts. i had so many shirts that made absolutely no sense growing up - but wore 'em cuz all my relatives got them for me. Jordan still has some that my mom gives him that are funny .. like I am boy love. Or Having To Be Fun. HAHAHAHHAA. Glad you guys found some Christmas stuff!!! Merry X-Max to you guys too!!! shen dan jie kuai le!!